Cyber Crime Club
The cybercrime activities are habitually committed by cyber criminals or hackers who had a greater craze for money. However, occasionally cyber criminals set their target to damage computers or networks for personal or political cause. It would be carried out either by an individual or by an organization. This club focussed to demolish all those illegal activities.
- To be a secured channel against the online data hackers.
- To ensure justice for the victims.
- To prevent the debit card or credit card against forgery.
- To block transactions against unusual activities.
- To ensure the safety of the protected data.
- Dr. D. Prabha, Head, Department of Physics
- Dr. J. Babitha, Head Department of Zoology
- Mrs. U. Revathi, Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce
- Ms.Rashmika, III B.Sc. Zoology