G. Harini Rashika of 2nd Mathematic student participated in District level Tamil Elocution Speech competition organized by Minority Commission of government of Tamil Nadu and won 3rd prize with the cash award of Rs.5,000/- The prize was given by our Honorable Chief Minister Thiru.M.K. Stalin on the 100th year Birthday celebration of Kalaignar M.Karunanidhi at St.Thomas College of Arts and Science, Chennai on 23rd August 2023.
Tamil Elocution Speech Competition
Bonanza’ 23 (Cultural Festival)
August 3, 2023Bonanza’23 (Cultural Festival) Celebrated on 2nd & 3rd Sep, 2023. The whole college was coloured with the joyful hearts of…Teachers Day Celebration
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March 10, 2023International conference on Contemporary challenges in Commerce and Management organised by the department of Commerce and Management on March 10th…